Online Statistics Manager
All of your web site statistics gathered automatically

The all–inclusive web analytics figures in your Web Control Panel will help you observe just about all activities on your sites. You’ll receive real–time information regarding the load produced in your web hosting account as well as the site traffic they have on a per–hour, per–week and monthly basis. You’ll also find information regarding our system as a whole including the actual IP address, the Operating System, the editions of PHP and MySQL and others. Everything is sorted in sections as a way for you to easily find it.
Server Information
More information relating to your hosting server
In the Server Data section of the Web Control Panel, you will discover information regarding the web server your Linux cloud packages account is found on. You can examine the OS, the physical IP address and the present Perl/MySQL versions, get more information for the mounted Perl modules as well as the incoming and outgoing mailing servers, track the server load, etc.
You can also find more information about the PHP variation without having to configure phpinfo files, and so forth.
Access & Error Logs
Understand how visitors communicate with your site
Through the Access & Error Logs area of the Its EayOK Hosting Web Control Panel, you can easily trigger and track the access and error stats for your web sites located in your Linux cloud packages account. The access log is a listing of the files featured on your website (like text files, photo files, movie files, and so forth) that people have requested to see.
The error log is a selection of all cautionary and error messages related to your web site. It can help you keep away from any kind of potential problems with the website’s overall performance.
Website Stats
Monitor your site customers live
Keeping track of the web site data of your web site is the right way to observe how your marketing strategy runs. Through the Web Control Panel bundled online data tools – Webalizer and Awstats, you can see the volumes of visitors that come to your site, as well as the volume of views they generate and webpages they visit on a daily, weekly and monthly base.
To check the statistics data, simply go to the Website Statistics section of your Web Control Panel and then load the stats file for a selected domain. You don’t have to set up anything at all on your end. We start the stats once your site comes on the Internet and starts attracting visits.
CPU Reports
Monitor your websites’ CPU load
The web server’s CPU is vital for the communication between the web site and its visitors. The more complicated and resource–consuming your sites are, the more host assets and CPU time will be required. From the CPU stats part, it will be easy to track which site is consuming the largest percentage of CPU assets.
You need to consider steps to enhance your web sites if the CPU usage limit has been arrived at. You can see detailed reports for each day and month and for an entire year.