Whenever you acquire a brand new web hosting account, your monthly payment is processed, the account is created and as automatic as the whole process seems, there're always smaller things which are executed personally. For every virtual or a dedicated server there're even more tasks to be done because these kinds of website hosting usually need a manual assembly, software installation and configuration, checking the server setting to ensure that everything's working fine, and so on. To fund the cost for the time and efforts all these things take, most companies require a one-time set-up fee to be paid by their customers in addition to the price for the cloud hosting. The fee in most cases applies to every new web hosting account being ordered and it is very rarely given on the company’s site, however it appears on your checkout page.

Setup Fee in Cloud Hosting

When you get a cloud hosting plan from us, the end price that you'll need to pay throughout the checkout is exactly the same as the one you have already found on our front page as well as on any other page on our web site. The payment processing as well as the account generation on our advanced cloud hosting platform are close to completely automatic, so we consider that charging you any setup fees whatsoever is rather unreasonable. Even when you get a couple of accounts at once, you won't need to spend anything for the installation or for any other kind of concealed costs for that matter. It's our principle that being honest with each client since the beginning is far more important than acquiring a few extra dollars.