FTP Accounts
Discover FTP accounts and about FTP in general - what they are and when you will need them.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), represents one of the most widely used means of sending website files between a computer and a server. Using an FTP software program such as FileZilla, you can set up a connection to your website hosting account and drag ‘n’ drop files or whole folders in both directions and the software itself will cope with all the rest. There’re several benefits of using FTP, including the ability to restart a download/upload in case there is some problem with the connection or the option to use different FTP accounts. With the latter option, you can create FTP users that can access only specific folders in your hosting account, but no other folders, e-mails or other info, which makes it the perfect solution especially if you have to provide a web designer with access, for example. You can also use an FTP account with popular website building applications such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver and upload the websites that you’ve created directly from them, without the need to resort to any 3rd-party software.
FTP Accounts in Cloud Hosting
Setting up and administering multiple FTP accounts will be amazingly easy with each of our Linux cloud packages. This service is not restricted, so using our simple-to-use Hepsia Control Panel, you will be able to create as many accounts as you need to administer your sites and to get your website-related tasks completed. If you hire a developer and they are done with the site, for instance, you can edit the FTP password or remove the entire FTP account with just one single click of the mouse from the Control Panel. For convenience’s sake, you will be able to view a list of all the accounts that you have created and what folders they can connect to. Handy functions such as changing the path or the password and downloading an auto-configuration file for widespread FTP client apps are also just one click away.